Dear CHS course participants,
Please read this whole email as it contains important information.
Matt and I ended up doing a scouting hike of Goat Lake today. I’m leading it for CHS 2 on April 3rd and I wanted to be sure that the trail is in good shape with no snow. It turned out to be one of those hikes that started out not to be much fun, but ended up being worth it. For starters, I was lugging a 30 lb pack, much of which was water weight. I’m trying to get ready for a backpacking trip in Grand Canyon I’m doing in late April. One of the water bottles sprung a leak and absolutely soaked the back of my pack on the way to the trailhead. So I had to put on a wet, heavy backpack at the trailhead. Did I mention it was kind of raining too? It’s unusual to have to embrace the suck before you even leave sight of the car, but that’s what I did.
In about a half an hour, my back and butt were still totally wet but the sun was peeking out now and then and the rain had mostly stopped. We made it to the lake in record time, sat down by the lake to have lunch but ended up not being able to stay long because my soaking shirt and pants were making me cold. Note to self: remember to bring that second shirt to change into at the destination.
But it was kind of sunny coming back out, my pack didn’t feel so heavy, and I was glad that we went hiking—just like I always am. I didn’t let a little wet stop me and don’t let it stop you either. Spring weather in the Cascades is unpredictable, so plan for rain by bringing your rain gear on every hike even if the sun is shining. An umbrella never hurt either. Also, be sure to check that your water bladder or bottles aren’t leaking before you set out in the morning.
April Hike Signup:
We only have a few folks who have not signed up for their hikes, so the deadline to sign up for two hikes is set for Thursday, April 1st by 10:00 AM. Afterwards, registration is open for folks to sign up for more than two hikes. This means if you haven’t signed up for your two hikes yet, get on it or you’ll find that your choices are limited.
There is space available in the following hikes:
4/03 (Sat.)—Heidi Walker/Michael Walker, Big Creek Loop (4 miles, 600’ gain)
4/04 (Sun./Easter)—Mary Rohlman, Umtanum Creek Canyon (6 miles, 700’ gain)
4/10 (Sat.)—Steve Payne/Heidi Walker, Dungeness Spit (11 miles, 100’ gain)
4/11 (Sun.)—Heidi Walker/Michael Walker, Greenwater Lakes (5.5 miles, 500’ gain)
4/18 (Sun.)—Shep Griswold, Carbon River Road/Ranger Falls (8 miles, 1,000’ gain)
4/25 (Sun.)—Anna May Brennan/Steve Payne, Point Defiance (9 miles, 100’ gain)
4/04 (Sun./Easter)—Jennie Douglas, Rattlesnake Ledge & Beyond (7 miles, 1,800’ gain)
4/08 (Thu.)—Sue Shih/Jan Davis, Bridal Veil Falls/Lake Serene (7 miles, 2,000’ gain)
4/11 (Sun.)—Barb Motteler/Deborah Dickstein, Wallace Falls (7 miles, 1,700’ gain)
4/17 (Sat.)—Barbara Folmer/Jan Pecoraro, Lower Lena Lake (6 miles, 1,300’ gain)
4/17 (Sat.)—Mia Spangenberg/Michale Kelly, Little Si/Boulder Garden Loop (6 miles, 1,200’ gain)
4/18 (Sun.)—Go Getter Hike, Bill Shecket/Sue Shih, Pratt-Olallie Saddle (9 miles, 2,400’ gain)
4/24 (Sat.)—Barbara Folmer/Jan Pecoraro, Little Si (5 miles, 1,200’ gain)
4/25 (Sun.)—Ellen Purington/Cynthia Stevens, Tiger Mtn Leader’s Choice (7 miles, 2,200’ gain)
Have a great week and looking forward to starting hiking with you this next weekend!