Friday, March 26, 2010

Follow up from 3/25 Class

Dear CHS Hikers,

Please read this entire email as it contains important information.

Thank you to the folks who were able to make it to last night's presentation. I realize that you are all busy people and have lots going on in your lives. Hopefully you got some good information to help you out this summer. This email is a recap of last night’s meeting.

April 1st Class:

The second, optional class will be on Thursday, April 1st starting at 6:30 at the Seattle clubhouse. We will be discussing the Sample Pack/Ten Essentials, Conditioning/Nutrition, Pacing/Footwear, and Navigation Basics. Again this evening is optional; no need to attend if you are already informed on these subjects.

There is also an optional shopping trip being put on for BWT folks this Saturday, that CHS folks can take part in if they need to purchase any hiking gear and want a little experienced help. No signup needed, meet 10:00 a.m. at the REI Seattle flagship store main entrance. The group may visit other stores depending on group needs.


Thanks for those who updated their information on the roster. I will post the updated class roster on the CHS web site. Please refer to this roster for participant contact information.

Trail Maintenance Requirement:

A representative of WTA come last night to talk about the trail maintenance work parties. Remember that one day of trail maintenance is a mandatory requirement in order to graduate from the course this year. We will have more information on how and when to sign up for the CHS only work parties posted on the CHS web site soon. If you are interested in finding out more about what to expect on the work parties, view the information on the following link:

Hike Signup:

April hike signup is underway. We are still in the 2-hike limit signup period. I will let you know when you can sign up for more. Should be in the next week. The course hike schedules for CHS 1 and 2 are constantly being updated to be sure to check them often in the Class Resources tab of the CHS web site. The April hike description document that I sent out earlier this week will get posted next week when the web site administrator returns from vacation.

If you need to do a substitute hike for one of your required monthly hikes throughout the summer, contact me to make arrangements beforehand.


When you register online, the final signup screen allows you to edit your carpool preferences. You will need to update this screen if you want to be considered for carpool pairing. If you leave the default option checked—“No carpool needed/other arrangements already made”—it is assumed that you will be driving yourself to the meeting place and you will not be listed on the carpooling page at all. If you want to carpool then fill out the options listed in the image below:

  1. Click on the checkbox next to “No carpool needed/other arrangements already made” to deselect this option.
  2. Select your carpool area from Carpool area drop-down box.
  3. If this is mostly where you will be carpooling from then check the box next to “Set this as my default carpool area.”
  4. Select your riding/driving options using the two option checkboxes. If you can do either, then check both boxes and indicate how many passengers you can take as a driver.
  5. Select your preference to drive or ride by clicking on the Drive or Ride radio buttons.
  6. Click Submit.

You can go back in and edit this section anytime prior to when the carpool pairings are made (see below for details) by going to your Profile and clicking on the Carpool Info link to the left of the hike you signed up for.

If you call the clubhouse to register, they will ask you about your carpooling preference. If they do not ask, then please remind them of your preference.

The clubhouse makes carpool assignments no later than 1:00 PM the Friday before the hike if it is on a weekend, and a day before the hike if it is on a weekday. You will need to contact the clubhouse to get your assignment or you can view your hike signup online and there will be a link to view carpool pairings. Drivers and riders must get in contact with each other to arrange a meeting place and time. You can meet at the posted meeting place listed in the hike description or you can drive together to the meeting place listed in the hike description.

For example, Fred and Barney are paired as carpool partners on a hike to Lake 22 that meets at the Lake Stevens Park & Ride (P&R) at 8:00 AM. They can contact each other and arrange to meet at the 65th St P&R in Seattle at 7:00 AM. Together they will drive to the Lake Stevens P&R to meet the rest of the group at 8:00 AM. Or they may decide to meet at the Lake Stevens P&R and carpool from there. It is up to them to come to an agreement. Additionally, your hike leader may consolidate cars at the meeting place.

If the clubhouse has not paired you with another driver or rider, instead listing you in the carpool screen as someone willing to drive or ride, then you can check the list to see who else is unpaired that might be in a convenient location to carpool with. You can contact them using the contact information on either the carpooling page or on the roster on the CHS web site.

If you have questions about carpooling, contact your hike leader or myself. Your hike leader can provide guidance on carpooling, but they are not responsible for making sure you have a ride to the meeting place.

Riders must pay drivers a $.15 per mile fee. Drivers are encouraged to keep the amount fair if they have several passengers—this isn’t a capitalistic enterprise. Please consider being a driver as often as you can. The same people don’t want to have to drive every time—they appreciate being passengers too.

CHS Web Site:

Please make a habit of checking this web site regularly. Monthly hike schedules and descriptions will be posted here and Kelly will be posting her weekly email on the blog instead of sending it out to everyone. These blog entries will often contain important and time-sensitive information about the course, be sure to check them regularly. The blog is updated weekly usually around Sunday evening or Monday morning. You can access the blog by clicking on the link on the Course Resources tab on the Web Site.

You can also use it the web site to view pictures that other folks have posted. Information on how to get your pictures posted on the site will be sent out after the first hiking weekend in April.

Google Group Invitation:

You should have received an invitation to join the Google Group. This is essentially a forum web site, where you can discuss various hiking issues with the group and hike leaders. You can post general questions, let us know places that you’d like to hike and start your own topic thread. Participation in this web site is optional, but can provide you with contact to the group outside of the hikes.

If you have not received this invitation, let me know and I’ll send it you again.

CHS Way:

These are the rules that you must abide by on CHS hikes. If you have not already reviewed this document posted on the CHS web site (located on the Class Resources tab), then please do as soon as possible. You are responsible for behaving according to these tenets while on CHS hikes.

Let me know if you have any other questions that aren't answered by this email or by the documents posted on the CHS web site. I look forward to getting to know you all this summer!

Kelly Cleman

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